For the past 3 weeks (and the next 2) I have been at Commissioned Officer Training at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL. The experience has been a challenging, yet fun and eye opening experience to the commitment I have made as an Air Force professional.
The first week was a tough transition from our lives as civilians to that of the military. We had early morning drill practices where we learned how to march around in formation. We had the Blue Line ceremony where we symbolically "crossed into the blue" to reaffirm our commitment to the nation. We got used to waking up at 4:30 for physical training and learned how to dress an act the part of an Air Force officer.
We've had extensive classroom hours covering everything from military history, military law, leadership techniques, problem solving strategies, and team building. We've also had fun outdoor leadership activities like Project X, the Assault Course, and WELPS (I don't even remember what this acronym stands for). I've really had a blast getting to know my flight mates (16 officers/flight) and our flight commander.
On Monday we have our second graded test. This one comprises the 26 testable lessons we had LAST WEEK! Tuesday we'll get up and take the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) to determine if we meet AF fitness standards. Also on Tuesday we have a short military briefing to present to the class. Wednesday and Thursday mornings will be spent doing the Leadership Reaction Course which, like Project X, will test our individual leadership skills as we navigate an obstacle course with members of our flight under time constraints. Should be fun and a real challenge! Next Sunday we'll head out of the dorms to a near by camp site for three days of Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) training. The purpose being to give us a taste of what a deployment would be like. It will encompass, amongst other activities, setting up a combat hospital and a high ropes course that will undoubtedly test our nerves.
While I'm having fun with my flight and enjoying the challenges of COT, I miss my wife incredibly and can't wait to be back home with her in less than 2 weeks. This experience has also shown me how strong she is and how much she really is a part of me. Like Sarah Miller would say, "mi media naranja." (my half orange)
Hopefully, when I get back I can put up some pictures and maybe some of these ramblings will make more sense. Keep us in your prayers!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Life Update
So, I haven't exactly been what you'd call a faithful blogger (as my nearly a dozen followers would certainly agree), but since I have an evening free I thought I would update my blog.
Katie is currently in Oklahoma shooting a wedding with our good friend Stancy Higley of Stancy Higley Photographie. (check out the logo...yeah Katie made that!) Katie continues to discover new talents and I am very impressed and proud of her undertakings. Check out Katie's own website to see some of her work.
Meanwhile, I have completed my first year of medical school! It was a challenging year, but I made it through and had a lot of fun being married, making new friends, and starting my medical education.
Katie and I with our good friends the McCord's and the Rondeau's at the Roaring '20s themed formal called Cadaver Ball. We had a blast and got to teach my classmates how to "Superman".
Katie and I went to Madrid in March to visit Sarah Miller. Next to our honeymoon, it was the best week of the last year!
We had a blast hanging out with Sarah's novio (boyfriend) Sergio. He was an excellent ambassador for Spain. They gave us the insider's tour of Madrid and we can't wait to go back and see them!
Currently, I'm halfway through a family medicine preceptorship here in College Station. The experience has been better than I even imagined. Working with patients again has been a refreshing reminder of why I wanted to become a doctor in the first place! Additionally, the physician that I am working with is an excellent teacher and makes sure that I am getting a well rounded experience and LOTS of hands on training.
In just over two weeks I leave for Commissioned Officer Training in Montgomery, Alabama. The course lasts five weeks and will be long days filled with classroom work, leadership training, and daily fitness excercises. The most difficult thing will be being apart from Katie for so long. I anticipate that time will pass quickly as we'll be very busy and Katie and I are long distance pros from our dating days.
Katie starts a full time job in August with Central Baptist Church as the administrative assistant to the preschool minister. Her job duties will include designing various mailouts and invitations as well as event planning. We are very excited about this blessing and, as always, are in amazement at God's provision for us!
I'll close this lengthy post with some pictures from our honeymoon in Cancun last July.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ben and Katie in Haiti
Our friends, Ben and Katie, are in Haiti. They were called from their comfortable, newly-wed lives in Dallas, TX to go to the impoverished, island country and serve the people there by teaching in a Christian school. They have been there for about 2 weeks.

You can see what they have been up to by reading their blog.
A post or two reveals that even though they have heard His call and are trusting the Lord daily, they have at times wondered, "What have we gotten ourselves into?" and "Why are we here?"
Yesterday, the largest earthquake in the past 200 years struck Haiti, with an epicenter just 10 miles outside the city they are living in. While we have had no direct contact with our friends, we have heard through the grapevine, that they are safe and unhurt. However, many of the children at their school have still not heard from their parents. With death toll estimates reaching into the thousands, some may not see their parents again.
B and K,
I truly admire yall's courage to step boldly to where you have been called by the Lord. While it may not be the only way He uses you while in Haiti, I am awestruck by His foresight to put you in the lives of those children in their time of great need.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
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